10. (with with Bittu, N. Fellini, A. Vatwani, D. N. T. Vo) On the second Hardy-Littlewood conjecture, ongoing.
9. (with K. Benli, F. Çiçek, A. Hamieh, N. Ng) On the fourth moment of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function, ongoing.
8. (with G. Martin) Distribution of the number of prime factors with a given multiplicity, submitted, 16 pp.
7. (with K. Benli and N. Ng) A discrete mean value of the Riemann zeta function, submitted, 42 pp.
6. A Dirichlet series related to the error term in the Prime Number Theorem, Int. J. Number Theory, 20 (2024), no.3, 715–725.
5. (with S. Das, W. Kuo, Y.-R. Liu) On the number of irreducible factors with a given multiplicity in function fields, Finite Fields and their Applications, 92 (2023), Paper No. 102281, 22 pp.
4. (with Y.-R. Liu) Number of prime factors with a given multiplicity, Canad. Math. Bull. 65 (2022), no. 1, 253–269.
3. On discrete mean values of Dirichlet L-functions, Czechoslovak Math. J. 71(146) (2021), no. 4, 1035–1048.
2. On a problem related to discrete mean values of Dirichlet L-functions, J. Number Theory 217 (2020), 36-43.
1. (with K. Benli and C. Y. Yıldırım) Mean values of the functional equation factors at the zeros of derivatives of the Riemann zeta function and Dirichlet L-functions, Analytic Number Theory, Modular Forms and q-Hypergeometric Series, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., vol. 221, Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 59-67.